At Secad, we implement the values of corporate social responsibility. For years, we have tried to contribute to the community of which we are a part by helping various organisations active in the area.
As a company, we know that our task goes beyond economic success and for these reasons, we are committed to practising inclusiveness and equality within the company and solidarity outside.
We are fortunate to have in our network a group of companies that help us put these values into practice!

La Quercia di Mamre
(The Oak of Mamre)
La Quercia di Mamre is an organisation established on 3 July 2013 thanks to the collaborative spirit of twelve founding members. The founding objective was and still is to provide hot meals to anyone in need and experiencing precarious situations.
The canteen finds its foundations in the spirit of cooperation of a large number of volunteers, around seventy people organised into teams that alternate during the six days of service. The idea behind our association is that food is a fundamental human right.
In our own small way, we realise this right, and where it is not possible to be reached at our headquarters due to objective difficulties of age and health, we provide a home delivery of a food package.
How we helped them

Opera San Francesco Milano
The San Francesco work is committed to providing free assistance and shelter to the poor. It satisfies basic needs such as having a hot meal and wearing clean clothes, but also guarantees the right to health with free medical examinations and medicines. Regardless of ethnicity, culture, religion and language it also offers support to those in need. Secad has for years had the opportunity to cooperate with this association through donations to help the less fortunate.

Bottega della Solidarietà
(Solidarity Shop)
The Bottega della Solidarietà intends to provide an answer to the food needs of families by trying to combine educational, environmental and social objectives. It wants to be a sign for our Pastoral Community that demonstrates the parishes' concern for those most in need and constantly helps to reflect on the issues of the right to food and food waste.

I Ragazzi di Robin
(Robin's Kids)
This year Secad turned to the association "I Ragazzi di Robin” for the customary company Christmas greetings to employees. I Ragazzi di Robin is an association formed by young people with disabilities who collaborate with companies active in the area and help the community by participating in artistic, social and environmental events.