A very fascinating challenge!
This time, Secad had to utilise both its many years of experience in self-adhesive labels and its machine design and construction know-how simultaneously.
The customer needed to apply mixed and relatively coarse-grained powders to a substrate to be bonded.
He had not found anyone on the market who could satisfy him, but after initial meetings, he decided to entrust the feasibility study to us.
The first obstacle we encountered was finding a way to disperse the dust. The customer requested to distribute them evenly over the entire surface, ensuring maximum coverage and quantity.
The dispersion systems already on the market could not give the desired yield.
The second difficulty was to make this ‘dusty’ surface sticky!
Therefore, we decided to build prototype equipment to test some ideas we had discussed internally.
On the prototype, test after test, our workshop made the appropriate modifications that led to an optimal result, exactly as requested by the customer.
We then ran a pilot production with which the customer undertook a series of functional tests for its application.
No pictures are available for confidentiality reasons.