Tape for Mosaic Applications
Among our various design studies, one of the most interesting relates to the application of mosaic tiles. This was not an easy undertaking, as it involved meeting many different requirements. Firstly, the tape needed to be transparent, to enable arrangement of the design. It had to be rigid enough to be easily handled on site, but also flexible enough to bend. Due to contact with mortar and cement, it was also vital for the tape to be resistant to water, moisture and alkalinity. Finally, it needed to tolerate extreme temperature, possibly ranging from -20°C to +40°C, also with the mosaic tiles in place. Another factor to consider was that the tiles might come in different materials (glass, ceramic, stone, etc.) and in various sizes and weights, with either smooth or embossed surfaces! We immediately focused our attention on UV cross-linkable adhesives, as they had already been tested both for use with cement and for water resistance. We then selected a very soft adhesive which adapts well to rough surfaces but is also strong. This ensures that tiles do not accidentally come off during handling, while allowing the tape to be properly removed on completion of the work. By using the right adhesive and a calibrated dose of UV radiation, we were able to obtain a product which matched all the specifications. Another success story for Secad!